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A portrait of a generation.


"I am proud to be who I am. I am proud of my look. I AM."


There is a phenomenon in Hong Kong where young tourists come to take photos and act like supermodels.

The vast majority are young women. From cool hip-hop style, to sweet girl-next-door style, people choose to dress up stylishly for the photos.

There are a few places in Hong Kong which are “must-go photo spots”.

People queue up to take pictures

They respectfully wait until the previous ones have finished taking the photos before taking their place

They strike poses, and act as professional models. Here, the model directs the photo shoot.

They have a very precise idea of the results they want to have.The photographer is purely here to press the shutter button.

The model has full control of the images.

After a few poses, the model checks the results, gives their instructions to the photographer, and the process starts again.It’s an immutable ballet.


I invite them to pose for me, and to be models.

The session is very quick, around ten photos in a minute or two.

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An original art installation from Cyril Delettre


Inspired by his series HOPE (on going since 2022), art photographer Cyril Delettre settles an original installation for you to experiment physically entering the art piece.

Cyril Delettre's installation symbolises human ability to transform darkness into colors : you enter the Black and White portrait to go through the bright hidden hopes and reach the colorful character. On the path, entering somebody else’s spririt, Cyril Delettre invites you to go through her HOPE and rediscover yours.

HOPE series is a momentum.
“I would like to challenge the new generation, the 20’s who face the future.

Who are you and who will you be ?
You read everywhere “There is no more future !”

My statement: 

Nothing is written. Never underestimate who you are and what you can do to change the world ! 
I refuse to give up. You new generation have all right and necessity to believe that there is still option for a bright future.
Embrace the world with enthusiasm and change it, you have this power.
Otherwise there is no more light to hope.

The exhibition spreads positive energy to all of us as a community.

Artistic choice:
I wanted to create a portrait in motion, similar as a ballet.
It represents the multiple emotions of the 20 years old generation facing the possibilities of  their/our futures.
Each of their choice is world impacting, a challenge for the model but also for all of us as a community.
The dark portraits reflect the uncertainty of their times but each one backs onto a bright colour and a positive thought.
The air goes through as it waves the Tibetan prayers book : the wind unveils and spread the positive attitude.”

Walk Don't Walk







– Cyril Delettre

Wild City

「我在香港的攝影之旅引領我把創意寄予城市的街頭。我每天都會遇到長駐於荷李活道創作的藝術家蘇五雲,而在《Wild City》系列裡,我把他的中國水墨畫引入我的攝影作品中。他繪畫在再造宣紙上的動物為相片中的牆壁賦予生命,從而讓我融合各個南轅北轍,卻又在這座城市中共存的種種:西方當代建築與東方傳統動物、混凝土與紙張、都市的污染與再造物料、我在流動的時間中捕捉的影像與他那不受時限的畫作。」



– Cyril Delettre

《Wild City》系列皆為獨版作品。


在香港居住的法國攝影師 Cyril Delettre 透過攝影鏡頭,在作品系列《綻放》中表達他對香港的情感。 Cyril Delettre 運用多重曝光攝影技巧,把香港的景色幻化為如萬花筒般的盤形影像,以其探索攝影中讓人意想不到的突變。 Delettre 把這城市的景觀轉化為一個又一個「超新星」,每一個都是新的世界。他所探索的新視角展現了香港的意想不到、優雅美麗和充滿活力的一面。

《午夜過後》(After Midnight)

受到藝術家 Stephen Shore 和 Lewis Baltz 的啟發,Cyril Delettre 一直朝著概念攝影的方向發展。《午夜過後》記錄了現代化對社會的副作用;攝影主點放在不常被接觸的主題上,例如城市荒地、被遺棄的工業區及倉庫。他的照片揭示了現實與藝術之間的對應關係。Delettre 的攝影手法反映了他對藝術攝影歷史的認知:攝影師被視為「觀察導師」,運用鏡頭以還原手法引領大眾目光投放於需被看見的事物上。

Delettre 的作品以簡潔風格呈現紀實攝影的另類美態。 除了參考攝影師 Lee Friedlander 及 Lewis Baltz 的作品,他也參考了極簡主義和


《午夜過後》中的攝影手法與被攝影的景觀融合,而 Delettre 亦會對鏡頭前的事物進行批判性的分析。選擇在午夜後拍攝的 Delettre 認為深夜的城市如被廢棄,街燈在黑暗中的折射為城市換上另一個型態。

How to see the light? Walk the dog

Marie-Florence Gros合作




Objectifs de campagne
Explorations by Cyril Delettre I La Galerie

©Marie-Florence Gros


法國藝術家 Cyril Delettre 專注於攝影和錄像創作。他的作品是藝術與紀實的融合。

現居香港的他以這個城市作為靈感泉源,創作一系列作品,包括:How To See The Light…Walk the dog、《綻放 – 香港》(Eclosions HK)、《午夜過後》(After Midnight)、Afternoon、Rythmes、Walk Don’t Walk 以及 Wild City。


2018年,Cyril 與非牟利機構 Children of the Mekong 合作,在菲律賓的宿霧省拍攝當地在堆填區生活的人。

2014年,Cyril 與 Marie-Florence Gros 移居香港並生活至今,並於同年開設了致力於攝影藝術的畫廊 La Galerie Paris 1839。

他的其他攝影作品系列包括:Vibrations、Om、NYC、《綻放》(Eclosions)、Impressions、Travelling 及 Square Noir。

2012年,巴黎奧斯特里茲車站進行重建發展工程,Cyril 被邀請創作《綻放》系列,用以在工程期間覆蓋車站外圍。作品面積共60米長及7米高,由2012開始展出,直至 2015 年。

2012年,他根據 Marie-Florence Gros 的原創劇本執導短片 Execution。他與一支優秀的的團隊一起製作了這部特別的電影,以尖銳諷刺的方式講述死刑的話題。

2007年執導紀錄片 Objectifs de Campagne,展示記者跟隨拍攝競選活動的後台工作過程 。

他於1989年開始其攝影生涯並加入了 Agency Imapress 及2002年於 Agency REA 工作。 他跟多位法國政客維持密切的工作關係,作品被法國最重要的雜誌發表和報導。Cyril 的報導涉及許多社會課題諸如非法移民,加特閉幕,宗教團體和法國具影響力的女性。他的攝影作品亦於多本著名法國雜誌中出版,當中包括 Paris Match、L'Express、VSD、Les Cahiers du Cinéma、Le Nouvel Observateur 和 Le Figaro。

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